6 Big Questions to Ask Before Starting a Nonprofit Social Enterprise

6 Big Questions to Ask Before Starting a Nonprofit Social Enterprise

6 Big Questions to Ask Before Starting a Nonprofit Social Enterprise As they look for ways to become more self-sufficient and provide themselves with predictable revenue, increasing numbers of nonprofit organizations are engaging in social entrepreneurship.The benefits of going this route take many forms. Making money through a nonprofit social enterprise can help fund the expansion of programs and services. That money is free from the restrictions of government agencies and foundations, which typically provide grants for narrowly defined purposes. And, with more money coming in, an organization’s leadership can focus less on fundraising and more on capacity building and the development of programs that meet the nonprofit’s mission.Social entrepreneurship comes with its fair share of challenges, especially for organizations with little to no experience in the for-profit world. Below…
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Use good financial management to increase your nonprofit’s social value

Use good financial management to increase your nonprofit’s social value

How good financial management increases your nonprofit’s social value Managing a non-profit organization or trade association effectively is a very specialized skillset. As the management board or trustees, you’re the absolute experts in running the day-to-day elements of your non-profit in order to meet your key social objectives. You’re driven by your social beliefs, you’re bringing in the donations you need and you’ve got all your event planning, fundraising, and membership under complete control. But there’s one element of managing your non-profit where many organizations fall down – and that’s getting control of your financials. The better your financial management is, the more impact you can create from your available funding – and, after all, increasing your organization’s social value is precisely why you went into the non-profit sector, right?…
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Are you ready for Giving Tuesday?

Are you ready for Giving Tuesday?

Not For Profit
Studies have shown that many nonprofit organizations receive ⅓ or more of their annual contributions and giving during the month of December, and as much as 10% during the last three days of the year. That fact alone argues strongly for a well-coordinated year-end fundraising campaign. Since the launch of “Giving Tuesday”, nonprofits have another compelling reason to engage in year-end fundraising. Started in 2012 by New York’s 922nd Street Y organization, and supported by the UN Foundation, the “Giving Tuesday” movement has become a nationwide and global phenomenon. In just a few short years, the event has drawn huge interest and participation from individuals, for profit business, nonprofit organizations, schools and other community groups. In 2016, $168M was raised from over 98 countries (source). As stated by the organizers…
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Year End Audit Preparation for Nonprofit Organizations

Year End Audit Preparation for Nonprofit Organizations

Not For Profit, Uncategorized
Holiday parties; family gatherings; golden turkey and all those other edible goodies - some things just make you look forward to this most wonderful time of the year. But you know it is looming. Out there, in the not too distant future. Waiting. Here’s the truth - your end of year audit isn’t going to disappear anytime soon. Taking the right steps now in getting prepared will not only save you time and money, but also a great deal of frustration. And whether or not you think of it as merely a necessary (or unnecessary) evil, be assured that the annual audit does in fact have its benefits. You see, an audit is a great opportunity for taking stock of your nonprofit organization; to come face to face with its…
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Laying the groundwork for a solid organizational strategy

Laying the groundwork for a solid organizational strategy

You may have recently come to the conclusion that your nonprofit organization is in need of an overarching strategy in order to be successful. And you would be right. The first step in any effective strategic process is essentially a truth telling exercise. It’s a matter of confronting the reality of what an organization - any organization - is, and what it really does. In his book ‘The Nonprofit Strategy Revolution’, consultant David La Piana of La Piana Associates calls this “understanding Organization Identity.” It’s fair to say that leaving out this step may doom a strategic planning process to failure. Now, strategy is not the same as planning (although planning can be strategic). Strategy should be an ever-evolving, ongoing effort to determine the right approach towards a desired end.…
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Performance Measurement for Nonprofits

Performance Measurement for Nonprofits

Business Advisory, Not For Profit, Uncategorized
There’s a great deal your nonprofit organization can glean from the operations of a successful for-profit business. In particular, learning to measure the performance of your nonprofit can help you shape your programs and improve your nonprofit’s overall effectiveness. Implementing a performance measurement program requires the development of an information feedback system. By this we mean a system that allows the management to identify, monitor, and take action to improve select KPIs (key performance indicators) that relate to the primary performance areas of the organization. In this post, we will discuss how to identify these performance areas for your nonprofit, and how to implement your own performance measurement system based on your mission statement. Don’t Try to Measure Everything at Once It’s important that you drill down into the performance…
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How to achieve non-profit board diversity

How to achieve non-profit board diversity

Non Profit Principles: Steering You in the Right Direction, Not For Profit
The importance of a diverse board that represents the values of a non-profit’s stakeholders cannot be understated. Each individual board member should bring their own take on proceedings to the table, not to mention their own network of contacts and professional experience. What’s more, with a mix of cultural backgrounds and ages on your board, in addition to the requisite skills, you will have a non-profit that is well placed to manage risk, plan accordingly, take advantage of future opportunities, and engage with the wider community on a much deeper level. Why is non-profit board diversity important? By reflecting the diversity of the very community you are serving, your non-profit board will be in a position to make meaningful connections with prospective donors, partners, and policy makers. It’s also important…
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The impact of Unrelated Business Taxable Income on your nonprofit

The impact of Unrelated Business Taxable Income on your nonprofit

Compliance, Non Profit Principles: Steering You in the Right Direction, Not For Profit, Tax, Uncategorized
As a non-profit organization, you may be used to the idea that most of the income you generate through your organization’s activities is exempt from tax. But as every accountant knows, when it comes to the tax law, there are always exceptions to every exception and exemptions from every exemption. Or should we say exceptions to every exemption. Anyway, you get my meaning. In the case of non-profit organizations one of those exceptions to the general rule of tax exemption is something called “Unrelated Business Taxable Income”. Nonprofit boards and management should be aware that it is out there and that it might be applicable to their organization depending on the kind of activities it carries out. First, let’s get clear on a couple of acronyms that might otherwise be…
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Form 990 – A Necessary Evil or a Great Opportunity?

Form 990 – A Necessary Evil or a Great Opportunity?

Compliance, Not For Profit
It’s true of any organization, of any shape and size; once the year end rolls around, you will have some sort of tax-related filing to deal with. For nonprofits, it can be all too easy to overlook the importance of such filings, viewing it as a necessary evil - a dull and dry “must do” on the end of year checklist. However, one form in particular - the 990 - should be considered a truly great opportunity (more on that later). But first… What is the 990? For those of you unaware, the Form 990 was designed to allow both the IRS and the public to evaluate tax-exempt organizations and how they operate. It collects information about the nonprofit’s mission, programs, and of course finances. And more recently, the 990…
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The importance of growing your cash reserves

The importance of growing your cash reserves

Business Advisory, Fundamentals
Running hand in hand with good budgeting is the need for your business to consider the importance of growing cash reserves. Having cash that’s available in the business for unexpected financial challenges is part of building risk control into your business model. In an uncertain world, knowing that the adequacy and growth of cash reserves has been considered in your budget plan provides real comfort that you will be able to: deal with the emergencies that may come, and build capacity toward the successful achievement of your organizational goals, whether those goals takes the form of an increase in profits or market share for your for-profit business, or the expanded and deepened social impact of your nonprofit’s programs. On the flipside, not putting the right consideration into cash flow can…
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