Teaching Our Children About Smart Money Spending and Saving

Teaching Our Children About Smart Money Spending and Saving

How savvy do you think your kids are with finances? Much less than they are with their cell phones! It’s no surprise to see teens still being reliant on their parent’s wallets. It can be seen in the news everywhere; student debt still is increasing and kids are moving out of their parent’s home at an older age. Not only that, employers are struggling to find employees with the knowledge and skills in finance. With our children acquiring debt (student loans, car payments, credit cards, etc.), how can we, as parents, teach our kids about efficient money spending? In high school, the highest they get in finances will be a basic economic class, but what about saving and spending correctly? As a parent, our job is to show them the…
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Fred Goes to College

Fred Goes to College

Last week Fred Crooks was at UC Davis as the keynote speaker during a full day of training for a delegation of 20 Chinese executive directors and senior business managers from the Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) and its subsidiaries.  Chen Bo, Deputy Director of Financial Operations led the delegation. The purpose of this visit was to learn about US business best practices.  Fred, along with his colleague Neil Paschall from the McLean Group, gave presentations on the following topics: - American modern corporate theory and governance structure - Corporate merger and acquisition processes in the US - Characteristics of mergers, acquisitions and restructuring in the US - Post-merger integrations that help to improve the effectiveness in achieving the firm’s operational and strategic goals, as well as, comply with…
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