From Scouts to Managers

We want to welcome Amelya Stevenson at e-VentExe as our guest blogger this week. She submitted this article to us and we think it is a great help for business owners.

Attention managers! Here at e-VentExe, we are rounding up the troops and initiating our very own set of guidelines to becoming a superstar manager. Ever wondered what makes a good manager great? Sure, anyone can become a manager, but not everyone can be a great manager. Do your mind, body, and company good — challenge yourself and commit to your important leadership role by taking the exclusive Manager’s Oath.

The Manager’s Oath has three components: The Manager’s Code, The Manager’s Promise, and the Manager’s Law.

The Company Manager’s Code

As a Manager I will do my best to:

-Be clear and concise,
I will express my thoughts, ideas, and wants in a straightforward manner, while also being respectful. I will support open communication among all members. I will encourage my employees to ask questions in order to create a safe environment for learning and improving.

-Be careful with my language and gestures,
I will prevent any discomfort, mentally and physically, between myself and my employees. I will not harass, harm, or threaten my members in any way. I will not show any favoritism. I will not speak out of character when I am frustrated or stressed. I will provide an atmosphere where my employees will feel happy and comfortable and enjoy coming into work.

-Be considerate to my subordinates,
I will treat my employees like how I want to be treated. I will praise them for their efforts and accomplishments. I will provide constructive criticism and encourage them to continue their hard work, so they feel confident to carry forward their responsibilities.

-Be humble.
I will not take all the credit when a project succeeds. I will get off my high horse and shower my employees with compliments. I will make my employees feel appreciated and motivated to thrive.

The Manager’s Promise

On my honor I will do my best 
(By giving your word, you are promising to follow the ideals of the Manager’s Oath. You will put in a considerable amount of effort to live by the points depicted in the Oath. You will measure your accomplishments with your own standards and follow your best judgments, uninfluenced by peer pressure.)

To do my duty to my employees and my company 
(You will provide them with the necessary training needed to succeed to growth within your company. You create a connection and are approachable to your employees. You believe in building trust and listen to your employees’ problems and will find ways to help. You invest time in employee development. You also help keep your company a strong and fair enterprise by learning about its growth plans and policies. Be resourceful and well-educated about all the processes and goals of the companyLove your employees and your company and they will both love you back.) 

and to obey the Manager Law; 
(The eight points of the Manager’s Law are principles that may lead you towards wise management decisions. When you obey the Law, other individuals will admire you for the way you treat your employees, and you will in turn, respect yourself.) 

To be a great leader at all times; 
(Many people look up to you for your skills and leadership persona. Your joyous smile, sense of humor, and words of encouragement make your employees work harder. They will do their best to see you succeed and make you look good among your higher peers. You will challenge your employees by delegating responsibilities to keep them motivated. You will participate in mundane tasks that can easily be assigned to a team member. By helping out whenever possible, you are doing your part to make your company better.)

To keep myself physically engaged, 
(Be aware of what is going on with your company and employees. No one wants a manager who is clueless about his/her workforce and business practices. Be the person employees can count on for relevant company questions. Keep updated with your employees work progress. Get to know your employees and their interests.)

mentally intact, and morally sound.
(Broaden your mind both in the workplace and outside of the business. Always be curious about everything around you, and try to incorporate what you learn into everyday leadership practices. With an inquisitive demeanor and the eagerness to learn, you can be much more intact with your surroundings and your role in the company. In order to be the best leader you can be, your business relationships with others should be open and sincere. You should value and defend the liberties of your employees. Remember your actions speak louder than words—always use your best judgment in the workplace. Furthermore, if you don’t have anything nice to say, then don’t say anything at all—use appropriate language in front of your employees. They will respect you.) 

The Manager’s Law 

A Manager is:

TRUSTWORTHY— You will tell the truth. You keep to your promises. Your employees can depend on you.

LOYAL — You are true to your company, employees, and peers.

HELPFUL— You want to alleviate as much stress on yourself as well as your employees. You will always delegate appropriate responsibilities to your members.

FRIENDLY— You are a friend to all. Not only are you a leader, you are the first one to talk to when problems and conflicts arise. You seek to understand your employees. You respect your employees, and value ideas and beliefs different from your own.

KNOWLEDGEABLE— You are the main point of contact for questions and concerns. You must be well-versed in company procedures and goals. You must be able to answer questions pertaining to his/her department and company.

OPTIMISTIC— You always look at the glass half full. You smile when given tasks. Even if you’re having an off day, you try to make the best of it with your positive vibes. You never blame your mistakes on others. You motivate others to be happy and succeed.

SELF-MOTIVATEDA Manager is not motivated by the money or praise given from others. He/she wants to be the best leader he/she can for himself; he/she believes in him/her everyday and sees it as an essential component for achievements.

CALM You know how to play it cool when the pressure is on. You never blatantly show frustration or break down in stressful situations. You always want your employees to feel assured that everything is running smoothly.

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