Principle 7: Availability of Information to the Public

It is vital for a charitable organization to make their information about operations, governance, finances, activities, programs, all publically available.  It’s also good to consider making information including the methods they use to evaluate outcomes of work and evaluations publically available.

-It is important to have transparency in order to gain the trust of the public.

-The board should note the difference what public information must be shared and what confidential information that needs to be guarded.

-An easy way to meet the IRS public activity is to post the IRS form 990 on the internet.

-A website that is accurate, professional, and clear helps promote transparency to the public and a central place of the organization’s information.

-The IRS Forms 990 and 990-T from the prior three years is required to be available to any person who asks to see them.

-IRS Form 1023 must be also a public document. This document will show the application for tax exemption for any charities.

-Under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), if an organization is considered to be a covered entity, it must have rules for handling any documents that are confidential.

-Also, the IRS Form 990 questions about the process of making governing documents to be publically available.