Small Business Owners: Tools to Sharpen your Competitive Edge

Today’s small business owner is confronted with new business problems and opportunities on a regular  basis, but rarely do they have the time to investigate all the possible solutions and opportunities. We at CPA  Corporation want to become a valuable resource for businesses to help them solve these problems and take  advantage of the opportunities that exist.

In an effort to do this, we will be posting frequent Blog posts several times each month featuring our (Small  Business Advisor Toolkit) SBA. These Blog entries will include among other things:  Best Practice Checklists, Self Assessment Questionnaires and modifiable Templates.

These tools in our SBA portfolio will incorporate the latest ideas in areas as diverse as customer and supplier relationships, financial matters, employee and industrial relations, production processes and waste management. Using best practice checklists, businesses can borrow from the best current knowledge and modify it to suit their particular circumstances. Best practice questionnaires can provide a diagnosis of a businesses’ current situation and suggest a range of suggestions for improving their business practices.

In addition, business owners can use the modifiable policy documents we post to quickly create policies that will cover all the essential aspects of the process without incurring the cost or taking up the time required by developing them from scratch.

How important is it to have a clearly written Vision and Mission Statement for your Business?

Our first post discusses one of the most important elements of a business which is the businesses’ vision and mission statements. We have all heard of these documents, but rarely do we see small business owners take the time to memorialize their vision into a clearly stated document.

A businesses’ mission statement should represents a picture of where the business wants to be in the future. The statement should do two things:

– It should explain to customers and other stakeholders what the business does.- It should be motivational and provide a shared sense of purpose. This helps to create a focus for the efforts of all the employees and managers.


If you need assistance in developing your business’ mission statement or have any questions regarding this post, please feel free to contact us.